Cassandra + Nigel | Same Day Edit

Mementos and Sombreros

Nigel’s career brings him all over the world and so, naturally, Cassandra & Nigel’s lives go hand in hand with traveling, trying new restaurants, wine tastings and socializing. One of Nigel’s groomsmen’s favourite moments was when Nigel lead Team Canada and the tournament and scoring in Helsinki with a big 6 goals and 11 points in Hockey.

Over the years, they had collected small mementos to one day look back upon. As their wedding day approached – a day planned with a lot of care and thought, they both decided to look through their memory box. They also decided to each carefully choose one item to share with each other the morning of their wedding. Nigel thoughtfully picked out what he said was an easy choice. Because it was what he considered their start; a U2 ticket. It was a happy moment together, after first dating in Chicago they were finally able to go out as a couple in Winnipeg. Cassandra was hoping to find that ticket Nigel bought for Cassandra in 2010 to come visit him in Atlanta. It was what she considered the beginning of their relationship. While looking for it, she found an item he had left for her that same fall when he had come to visit her.  This made her realize just how long ago she had fallen in love and so, here they are three and a half years later.

We had the incredible privilege of weaving together their story into this Sam Day Edit to share with all their friends and family gathered that evening at The Gates on Roblin along with the very talented Simply Rosie Photography.

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